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The Kick-Off Meeting of the Project GT4SME, Berlin, Germany


The first transnational project meeting of the Erasmus+ Project GT4SME has taken place between the 28th and 29th of November 2019 in Berlin, Germany. The kick-off meeting was hosted by the coordinator, Global Impact Grid (Germany). Representatives of consortium partners; GTE (Turkey), N&P (Germany), IDOP (Croatia), Eurospring (Serbia) and Aregai (Italy) have discussed about the project in detail and determined the next steps and working methods. The next transnational project meeting is planned to take place in Belgrade, Serbia in April 2020. During this second TPM, consortium partners will not only evaluate the project activities in general, but also participate in a case-based workshop and discuss about project's 4 topics, with a focus on the topic of 'Financial Access'

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